Tuesday, April 12, 2011


         Slash Cut
         Incised Wounds
         Fire Arm
In abrasions only the superficial layers of the skin are damaged and therefore, they heal with no scaring. In laceration the full thickness of the skin is disrupted and therefore, leaves a scar.

Colour Change in a Contusion
         Blue -
         Brown Green
         Yellow - >18 hours old
What are tramline contusions?
Tramline contusions are bruises which occur from beating from a baton like instrument. When a person is hit from a baton, the skin is compressed. The central part of this area is compressed while the edges are stretched. This causes the blood vessels at the edges to rupture. As a result of compression the central areas lack blood and therefore, appear pale. Blood leaves from the damaged vessels at the edge and therefore, those areas appear bruised. The final outcome is a pale area outlined by two narrow parallel bands of bruising
Lacerations and cuts or incised wounds are sometimes hard to differentiate. In such situations, careful examination of the edges is important. The edges of the lacerations are irregular. Lacerations bleed less than cut injuries, because the blood vessels are crushed and thereby blocked. Lacerations have bruised and contused margins and surroundings when compared to cut injuries.

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