Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Imaging in Fratures

Imaging of fractures involves the rule of two.

  1. Two joints - Both joints, proximal and distal to the fracture should be included in the radiograph. 
  2. Two views - There should be two views, anteroposterior and lateral. 
  3. Two limbs - When the lesion is in a paired organ, you should never forget to compare it with the other. Therefore, a radiograph of the normal limb should also be taken.
  4. Two times - radiographs should be taken both before and after the procedure. 

description of radiographs is remembered as the rule of A's.

  1. Anatomy - e.g. proximal tibia
  2. Articular - e.g. intra-articular, extra-articular
  3. Alignment - e.g. first plane
  4. Angulation - e.g. second plane
  5. Apex - e.g. apex pointing medially
  6. Apposition - e.g. 25%, 50%.....

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