Nowadays many illnesses are diagnosed by doing investigations. In older days, when there was no sophisticated instruments for investigations, most of the illnesses were diagnosed only by taking a proper medical history and by doing a careful physical examination. Even though the art of eliciting clinical features on becoming less and less, some clinicians still appreciate good clinical skills which makes the field of medicine more interesting.
So, are you worried about having high cholesterol levels, but still hesitating to do a blood investigation to confirm it? Then the you can look at the following symptoms of hypercholesterolemia to get a clue about what is going on in your body. If you are having any of those features, it is better to meet a doctor and get a lipid profile done to confirm the diagnosis. Once confirmed, you should follow the instructions given by your doctor, because it is very important that you keep your cholesterol levels within the normal range. It is because hypercholesterolemia is associated with many illnesses including atherosclerotic disease which can give rise to ischemic heart diseases, peripheral vascular disease, strokes etc.
The sings of hypercholesterolemia are,
- Corneal arcus
Corneal arcus is a whites band present around the cornea. This can present in elderly people who has normal cholesterol levels. This is called senile arcus.
- Xanthalasma
Xanthalasma are seen around the eyes. They occur due to fat collection under the skin. They look like yellowish nodules in the skin around the eye including the eyelids. They are soft to touch with well demacated margins.
- Tendon xanthomas
Tendon xanthomas also appear like xanthalasma, but they occur around tendons. They can easily be found over the achilis tendon. Achilis tendon is a tendon of the leg which inserts to the back of the heel.
Hypercholesterolemia causes most of the diseases as a result of atheroma formation. People with hypercholesterolemia are more prone to get atherosclerotic disease. The features of atherosclerotic disease are,
- A past history of ischemic heart disease, stroke or peripheral vascular disease.
- Erectile dysfunction
- Thickened arteries
To feel for thickened radial artery, you should first apply pressure over the brachial artery. Then palpate the radial artery and see whether it is thickened. Also the palpate the femoral artery too.
- Locomotor brchialis, radialis and ulnaris
These are sings that occur in arteries as a result of loss of support from surrounding connective tissues plus the tortuocity of the arteries. You may see the tortuous arteries pulsating.
- Feel for peripheral pulses
The peripheral pulses can be absent when there are atherosclerotic plaques occluding the arteries.
- Bruits
You need a stethoscope to hear bruits. Bruits can occur at any portion of the arterial system.
Above mentioned are only few signs of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerotic disease. If you are having one or more of those symptoms, it is better to see a doctor and get a proper medical evaluation done. If the cholesterol levels are high, your doctor will either manage you with life style modifications. He can also give you drugs. Either way, you should adhere to the advice given. unless, hypercholeterolemia can give rise to diseases with significant rate mortality and morbidity.
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