Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why Thiopentone sodium is not used as a maintenance agent?

Maintenance of unconsciousness requires the maintenance of an appropriate blood level of the anaesthetic agents. Thiopentone sodium is a drug which is highly soluble in lipid. Therefore, once it is injected in to a vein it reaches brain one arm brain circulation time. At the brain it passes through the blood brain barrier as it is lipid soluble. Due to these reasons thiopentone sodium has a rapid onset o faction. The drug comes out of the brain as quickly as it entered into the brain. This is the reason for rapid recovery of the person. On the other hand, as the drug is lipid soluble, it go and stored in the fat tissues. If a continuous infusions given, the drug may accumulate in the fat tissues.  Later they can be released back in to the blood, creating many     problems. Therefore, it is not used as a maintenance agent.

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